Pennsylvania Primary 2024

On April 23, you have an opportunity to help animals at the polls and lay the groundwork for future legislators to support anti animal cruelty bills. Your vote isn’t just about the present; it’s a step towards shaping a future where lawmakers support anti-animal cruelty bills.

Engaging with Candidates at the Polls: Discussing Views on Animal Welfare

As citizens, one of our most powerful tools in shaping the future is our vote. And with that power comes the responsibility to ensure that the candidates we support align with our values, including those concerning animal welfare. Engaging in conversations with them at the polls about anti-cruelty bills can make a significant difference, and it lets them know that constituents in their district care about animals. Here are some tips on how to effectively discuss views on animals with candidates:

  1. Do Your Homework: Before heading to the polls, take time to research the candidates running for office and their stances on animal welfare. Look for information on their campaign websites, social media platforms, or statements they’ve made in interviews. Do they post their pets, announcements from their local shelter or pride over supporting an animal cruelty bill? Understanding their positions will enable you to ask informed questions and engage in meaningful discussions.
  2. Ask Open-ended Questions: When approaching candidates, try to avoid yes or no questions. Instead, ask open-ended questions that encourage them to elaborate on their views and policies regarding animals. For example, you could ask, “How do you plan to address issues related to animal cruelty and neglect in our community?” This allows candidates to provide detailed responses and showcase their understanding of the issues.
  3. Listen Attentively: Engaging in dialogue with candidates is not just about asking questions; it’s also about actively listening to their responses. Pay close attention to their answers, including specific policy proposals. This will help you assess the sincerity and depth of their commitment to animal protection.
  4. Follow Up: If a candidate expresses support for animal welfare initiatives, consider following up with them after the election to hold them accountable for their promises. Stay engaged in the political process by attending town hall meetings, writing letters to elected officials, and make sure to join the Humane PA Facebook Page, follow it on X, and sign up for newsletters and action alerts. Please encourage your candidates to take the Humane PA Candidate Survey too!

Remember, every conversation counts, and your voice has the power to also give animals a voice in Harrisburg. So, let’s make our votes count for animals!

Humane PA will issue 2024 Endorsements for the General Election early this fall!